Showing 37–45 of 107 results
May be worn as a replacement to Ek Mukhi Rudraksha and has the power of Lord Shiva known to fulfil desires and brings good luck.
To be kept in Mandir
H1 plus KP calculations with signification.
This gives detail about the planetary degrees and their positions, Lagna, Moon and Navansa charts. Bhava degrees and Chalit chart, Sudharshan Chakra, Vimshottari Dasha upto sub-sub periods.
H1 plus Shodash Varg tables, Shadabala, Upagraha, Gemini System, Ashtakvarga, Ashtottari, Yogini and Kala Chakra Dasha.
H2 plus Western system, Aspect tables, Sookhshma, Vimshottari Dasha sub sub periods for complete cycles of Vimshottari Ashtottari Yogini & Kalchakra Dasha
To maintain marital bliss.
For recovery of wealth
Horoscope, general predictions, remedies